Deaglan Lynch

Manchester · United Kingdom ·

Software developer currently working in telecoms with experience in both a wide range of technologies and working in a fast-paced environment, co-ordinating the work of the team to achieve the task and meet deadlines. My primary skill set includes Pega and C# but also an enthusiastic learner and able to quickly pick up skills and knowledge of new technologies as needed. Currently located in Manchester but in a position to move for the right opportunity.


Level 1 Application Developer


As a member of the Pega delivery team we took over development and maintenance of business-critical application from an offshore delivery team. Started by learning about the business and the current software estate, then carried on to build upon existing process and best practice to improve the quality of work. I was also involved in improving the technical training materials and trained a team of junior Pega developers that joined the company.

Febuary 2018 - Present


QA Consulting

Straight after achieving a first class honors at University I joined QAC hoping to apply the programming skills I had learnt. Began by taking part in a number of training courses to become familiar with Java full stack development. Took part in a number of other training courses while working as part of agile team. After my training period ended, I was contracted out to TalkTalk where I would be using Pega and quickly picked up the technology and gained the Pega CSA Certification.

July 2017 - Febuary 2018


Anglia Ruskin

BSc (Hons) Computer Gaming Technology

First Class Honours

Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth I College

A Levels




AS Levels



Programming Languages & Tools


Experimenting with new recipes and cooking for friends
Keeping myself in shape through badminton and going to the gym
Working on hobby game projects and taking part in game jams
Building and flying Quadcopters

Awards & Certifications

  • Pega Certified System Architect